Traveling Safely During the Holidays

Traveling safely during the holidays during winter months

This year, Americans will fill roadways and airports in the largest numbers in over 12 years according to To ensure roads are safe and drivers are up-to-date this holiday season, here are a few tips and tools:

Review Chain Laws
Whether a state requires chains or cables, don’t get caught on the road in a bind. Every state enforces different guidelines and restrictions. Those can change at any time. No matter what state you travel through, stay current with 2017 chain laws.

Map Out Your Nearest Dealer
Download MHC’s Locations & Services Directory to your phone to keep you on track for making on-time deliveries. During the holiday season, we recommend calling ahead to double check hours of operation. Download the app today and stay connected:

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Have a Survival Kit Ready
The odds of drivers having a driving a driving emergency during the colder months is much greater than in warmer times of the year. It pays to keep a kit in your truck with all the things you are likely to need. Here’s a list of 10 things we recommend keeping in your truck during the winter.

Schedule an appointment with your local MHC dealer today to ensure you’re ready for the holiday season!

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